Our changing world yearns for a fresh invitation to follow Jesus. Church planters and leaders are needed to extend that invitation and form communities of those who follow. Many sense a call to address that need, yet struggle to know how to take the next step. Launch offers a clear way forward.
A year-long programme for emerging church leaders and church planters, including multi-day residencies, weekly gatherings, monthly days away, mentoring, and practical engagement in a church planting, church, or emerging ministry context.
If you love Jesus, have a passion for His kingdom and His church and want to grow in your calling and gifts then Launch, a joint project of Communitas International and the Scottish Network of Churches, might be for you.
A key element of Launch is to embed our learning and development in the local context, so whether that be in your current setting or one of our related churches your first point of connection is local. However, we will be gathering together as a team to reflect, learn, worship and share on a weekly basis (online or in person). Additionally we will then meet for days away or overnight stays on a regular basis throughout the year, roughly once every 6 weeks.
The beta/pilot programme has recently concluded. Our next programme starts in September 2025, please apply now.